DESIGN: User-Centered Design

Our User-Centered Design Services focus on creating visually appealing digital solutions that seamlessly align with user behavior and expectations, ensuring both aesthetic appeal and user-centric functionality.
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Designing Digital Experiences

Our User-Centered Design approach combines creativity with data-driven insights. We analyze user data and behavior to optimize their journey. We bring your digital product to life by creating captivating, user-friendly interfaces, and maintaining a cohesive and consistently appealing visual identity. Beyond design, we curate impactful digital experiences.

Crafting Digital Solutions

Create a comprehensive plan for your digital product, ensuring it meets user needs, aligns with business goals, and functions effectively. We work with you to:

Take Ideation Further

We focus on crafting a comprehensive representation of the product, blending visuals like UI/UX designs, wireframes, and mockups with textual elements such as descriptions, content strategy, and tone of voice guidelines.

Understand Product Complexity

Defining product objectives can help us create a strategic high-level product roadmap based on estimates for a future development stage.

Create a Proof of Concept

This preliminary validation step provides crucial insights and validation of the core concept, technology, or idea, setting the foundation for a more successful and informed product design and development process.

Our product design services cater to a wide range of clients, from startups to large enterprises. Whether you need a dedicated team to address a specific challenge or comprehensive end-to-end design with seamless integration into development, we've got you covered.

Enhancing User Journeys

An intuitive user experience is pivotal to a successful digital product. UX Design at Thinslices is about immersing ourselves in user behavior and expectations. We enhance digital experiences by analyzing user data and optimizing user journeys on your platform.

User Personas

User personas serve as a compass, guiding UX designers to create user-centric digital products that effectively cater to the needs and preferences of their intended audience.

User Journey Maps

We create visual representations of the user's interactions and experiences throughout the product, highlighting touchpoints and emotions at each stage.


These schematic blueprints or low-fidelity representations of the product's interface, outline layout and functionality without design elements.

High-fidelity Prototypes

Get as close to the real product as you can in the design stage with an interactive model that demonstrates its functionality, flow, and interactions.

Our UX design services are tailored to enhance user satisfaction and foster business growth. We ensure your product aligns seamlessly with user requirements, creating a cohesive and intuitive user experience across various touchpoints—this optimization results in increased user acquisition, engagement, and retention rates.

Design that Captivates

Visual appeal is not just an option; it's a necessity. Our UI Design services bring your digital product to life with visually engaging and user-friendly elements. UI design is not just about aesthetics, it’s about answering users’ needs.

User research

We conduct interviews, surveys, and usability studies to understand user needs, behaviors, and preferences.

Iterative Design

Our way of working involves a cycle of design, feedback, and refinement based on user testing and stakeholder input to improve the UI.

User-friendly Interfaces

Our aim is a cohesive design layout and consistent navigation, coupled with error prevention, device optimization, and streamlined interactions for enhanced usability.

Usability Testing

We conduct tests with real users to evaluate the interface's usability, identifying pain points and areas for improvement.

Branding and positioning

Typography, color schemes, iconography, and imagery are used to enhance the aesthetic appeal and brand identity within the interface.

Our responsive and accessible UI designs drive the conversion of potential visitors into satisfied customers. Exceptional UI fosters productive interactions and captivates users with stunning aesthetics, encouraging their return to your platform.

Designing for Consistency

At Thinslices, we help you build a design system - a structured framework that guarantees visual harmony across every aspect of your product.

Style Guide

We define consistent design principles for typography, color palettes, iconography, and UI elements to maintain visual coherence across the product.

Component Library

A repository of reusable UI components, such as buttons, cards, and forms, is key to ensuring consistency and efficiency in design and development.

Design Patterns

We identify and define standard interaction and layout patterns, like navigation structures or modals, to streamline the user experience and maintain familiarity.


The comprehensive documentation we create outlines guidelines, usage instructions, and best practices for designers and developers to ensure consistency and ease of implementation.

Collaboration and Governance

Establishing processes for ongoing collaboration among design and development teams, along with governance measures ensures adherence to design system standards and evolution over time.

Beyond a simple style guide, a design system serves as the guiding philosophy for crafting and constructing digital products. It encompasses principles and directives governing the when and how of utilizing design elements.

our services

DESIGN: Crafting User-Centric Solutions


Product Design

Craft the holistic blueprint for your digital product, focusing on the alignment of user needs, business objectives, and functionality.
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UX Design

Dive deep into user behavior and expectations by conducting in-depth research, analyzing user data, and optimizing the user journey.
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UI Design

Craft the visual and interactive elements of your digital product to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.
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UX Review

Continuous improvement is the key to success. Our comprehensive UX review help identify areas of enhancement, ensuring our product remains at the forefront of user satisfaction.
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Design System

Develop a cohesive design framework that ensures consistency across all aspects of your product. This includes a library of design elements and guidelines.
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Our technologies

We tailor our technologies to your needs

Thinslices takes pride in crafting robust and innovative software solutions. Our tech stack is the foundation upon which we build cutting-edge applications and deliver exceptional user experiences. Here's a glimpse into the powerful technologies we employ:


Notion Slack logo Zoom logo Jira Software logo Miro logo Trello Logotype-1

Design tools

Figma logo Illustrator logo Photoshop Adobe XD logo Invision logo Webflow logo


An interview with Sean van Oossanen, UX Designer We're back with another article on our collaboration with BMJ. This time, we look at the design system currently being developed for several products, included. Having developed our own design system, we were pretty excited to have a chance to work with another company and share our experience.
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Remember that episode from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. when Chandler decides to go into advertising and wants to create a new and innovative slogan for cheese, saying “Cheese. It’s milk that you chew.”? Very much like the cheese slogan, wheel and the login page, some things just don’t need to be reinvented.
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We are the partners of your project

Conceptualize, develop, and launch your product with us, in less than 6 months.

Envelope illustration

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From defining the product scope and validating its potential to crafting prototypes and conducting meticulous user research, we ensure a holistic approach to your product ideation journey.
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Where innovation & design meet execution to bring your digital solutions to life. Our diverse set of services is tailored to suit your project's unique needs: web app development, mobile app development, AI tools, and more.
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