UI Design

Our UI design philosophy is rooted in strategic thinking, user-centric principles, and a commitment to delivering interfaces that answer the needs of your audience.

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Create Engaging and User-Centric Interfaces

Transform your vision into a visually stunning and functionally robust reality. Explore the intersection of aesthetics and usability, where exceptional UI design becomes the catalyst for user satisfaction and business success.

Here's a detailed exploration of the UI Design process

Strategic User Research

Our process starts by thoroughly understanding your target audience through interviews, surveys, and usability studies. This research provides insights into user needs and behaviors, guiding our design decisions.

Iterative Design Refinement

We adopt a cycle of design, feedback, and refinement, engaging in user testing and stakeholder feedback to enhance the UI design continuously. This approach ensures the interface is not only visually appealing but also functional and exceeds user expectations.

User-Friendly Interfaces

At the core of our UI design is the creation of interfaces that are easy to use. We focus on cohesive layouts, consistent navigation, device optimization, and streamlined interactions to boost usability and user satisfaction.

Usability Testing

Through extensive usability testing, we gather real user feedback to refine the UI, addressing any issues to ensure optimal performance and a seamless user experience.

Testing and Validation

Through stakeholder and user testing, we validate our designs, ensuring they meet user requirements and business objectives, refining the product for optimal user experience.

Tools & Technologies

We invest in the best tools and technologies on the market.
Figma logo Illustrator logo Photoshop Adobe XD logo Invision logo
What others say

We excel at what we do.
Take our happy clients’ word for it.

Ian Mulvany 
Chief Technology Officer,

“The work with Thinslices has been a true collaboration. We created a fully integrated combined team, working closely with the entire organisation. The lessons learnt from taking on this project are radiating out to other teams within BMJ.  The team are happy, productive and having a real impact for our customers. “


An interview with Sean van Oossanen, UX Designer We're back with another article on our collaboration with BMJ. This time, we look at the design system currently being developed for several products, bmj.com included. Having developed our own design system, we were pretty excited to have a chance to work with another company and share our experience.
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Remember that episode from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. when Chandler decides to go into advertising and wants to create a new and innovative slogan for cheese, saying “Cheese. It’s milk that you chew.”? Very much like the cheese slogan, wheel and the login page, some things just don’t need to be reinvented.
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Idea to MVP

Validate your product idea with enough features to attract early-adopter customers and investors, securing its market potential.

Envelope illustration

Looking for other services?


Product Design

Craft the holistic blueprint for your digital product, focusing on the alignment of user needs, business objectives, and functionality.
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UX Review

Continuous improvement is the key to success. Our comprehensive UX review help identify areas of enhancement, ensuring our product remains at the forefront of user satisfaction.
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UX Design

Dive deep into user behavior and expectations by conducting in-depth research, analyzing user data, and optimizing the user journey.
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Design System

Develop a cohesive design framework that ensures consistency across all aspects of your product. This includes a library of design elements and guidelines.
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