Insights by Paula Cristea (Page 2)

  • React.js statistics
    Paula Cristea - 1 Sep 2020
    Why do we love it? Because it helps us create the most engaging web apps efficiently and fast with minimal coding. Since its release back in 2013, the goal of React.js was to provide outstanding rendering performance, considering its core strength is on individual components. Although it won the “battle” against Vue.js in 2019, things are changing fast in the software development realm; ASP.NET Core occupies the pole position with 70.7%, followed by React.js with 68,9%.
  • Paula Cristea - 18 Jun 2020
    Effective management of digital transformation is vital but challenging. This was the pre-pandemic reality. Even companies who had the right digital strategy in place ran a high risk of failure because of its execution. A 2019 McKinsey briefing points out that failure to be effective happened five times more often than success. Now, with the added pressures of social isolation, working from home, and generally living online, going digital is no longer an option to consider but a required next step. While some companies have made preliminary steps in this direction, others were caught off-guard by these last few months and find themselves without strategy and execution altogether.
  • Going the extra mile for a product we believe in
    Paula Cristea - 6 Nov 2019
    Founded in 2015 by Tahir Farooqui, Canopy set out to make the whole renting process easier, faster and completely digitized, to support consumers’ desire for flexible renting and the ability to move easily between rental properties.


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