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  • Stefan Sarbu - 15 Mar 2024
    A while back, we talked about designing lean business models for mobile startups, guided by Ash Maurya's wisdom on the perils of falling too deeply in love with our solutions prematurely. The resonance of that conversation within our community was both surprising and affirming. It turns out, many of us are navigating similar challenges, trying to strike the perfect balance between passion for our products and the practicality of market validation.
  • Paula Cristea - 1 Mar 2024
    The application industry continues to be the fastest-growing industry in the world, and at the same time, the most competitive. Companies and businesses from all over the world are developing new apps each day and finding new ways to stand above the competition is getting harder and harder. Thankfully, our team at Thinslices is here to help you in designing and developing the next breakthrough app in the market.
  • The UX Blueprint for Building MVPs
    Mihai Bâlea - 14 Feb 2024
    In the dynamic world of startups, launching a full-scale product can be a risky venture. Enter the MVP, or Minimal Viable Product — a lifeline for testing the waters before taking the plunge. But where does UI/UX, the powerful design duo, fit into this equation of building MVPs?


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The Essential Role Of Trust In Product Development

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