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  • 13 AI Tools For Digital Work & Productivity
    Paula Cristea - 22 Mar 2024
    Who among us has not chatted with Chat GPT or Bard Gemini in the last couple of days? While these are the most popular AI apps used in today’s digital work, thousands of other platforms streamline work and life across many more use cases. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is developing at a breakneck pace. A new analysis by the International Monetary Fund shows that AI will affect almost 40 percent of jobs around the world, replacing some and complimenting others. In more advanced economies, roughly 60% of job roles could feel the impact of AI. On one side, about half of these roles could see benefits from AI integration, improving efficiency and productivity. However, for the other half, AI might start handling essential tasks that humans currently do, potentially reducing the need for labor.
  • Stefan Sarbu - 15 Mar 2024
    A while back, we talked about designing lean business models for mobile startups, guided by Ash Maurya's wisdom on the perils of falling too deeply in love with our solutions prematurely. The resonance of that conversation within our community was both surprising and affirming. It turns out, many of us are navigating similar challenges, trying to strike the perfect balance between passion for our products and the practicality of market validation.
  • Paula Cristea - 1 Mar 2024
    The application industry continues to be the fastest-growing industry in the world, and at the same time, the most competitive. Companies and businesses from all over the world are developing new apps each day and finding new ways to stand above the competition is getting harder and harder. Thankfully, our team at Thinslices is here to help you in designing and developing the next breakthrough app in the market.


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